View Report You must have a current copy of your FactorTrust credit report in order to view your previously requested report. If your have a copy, please enter the report number listed at the top of the report. If you do not have a report number that your received within the last 90 days, request a current copy of your personal credit report. FactorTrust does not and will not disclose the personal information you provide to us in connection with this request to any third parties for any purpose unless required by law or for internal audit purposes without specifically indicating such disclosure to you and informing you of your choice to prohibit such disclosure. Please fill in the following information. This information will be used only to verify your identity for security purposes in order to allow you access to your online credit information. Report Number * State * AK AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY Social Security Number * - - ZIP Code * Terms and conditions Note: You must agree to the statements below to view your credit report: I certify that I am viewing my own personal report or disputing information on my own personal report. I understand that it is a federal crime subject to incarceration and/or monetary penalties to obtain a personal credit report for someone other than myself, and that intentionally making any false statements could be punishable by law.